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Home Movie Archive

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75A
Length:  19:15
Dates:  1950s, 1960s

Keyword Description:
Begins with shots of ocean as well as beach houses and boats in Nova Scotia, kids swimming on beach with adults, shots of people in front of beach house, woman walking a dog, another woman pushing a baby carriage, boy and man mowing the grass, family in yard playing and posing, flowers in yard, kids riding horses, others playing with dog, adults sitting, kids on sidewalk, kids and adults at birthday party with cake, man with another movie camera, men sitting and drinking beer and smoking, kids on steps with school books, woman waving, anniversary party (?) for elderly couple.

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75B
Length:  12:07
Dates:  1960s

Keyword Description:
Begins with wedding reception, men and women drinking toasts, people talking and dancing, others watching, people smoking, shots of neighborhood houses, shots from Nova Scotia, fishing boat leaving dock, kid on deck of boat waving with woman, kids playing in yard, kid walking in burlap sack, scene of shoreline, man cleaning fish at dock.

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75C
Length:  11:00
Dates:  1960s

Keyword Description:
Begins in Nova Scotia with boat on water, man rowing a boat with kids, adults and kids in yard and around house, kids with cow in road going into a barn, men baiting hooks on a fishing boat, people at a store, view of town shot from a hill, views of hills, flatland and sea from car driving on highway with clip of a very long covered bridge, then footage from Everett, Mass, kids coming out of house to sidewalk, police on horses in parade, man driving old fire truck, marching band, ending with kids with presents on Christmas.

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75D
Length:  11:32
Dates:  1960s

Keyword Description:
Probably vacation trip to New Hampshire (Lake Winnipesaukee and Whites), scenes from car on highway showing water and wooded hills, beach with people swimming, someone skiing behind a boat, man smoking pipe with kid on lap eating, more footage from car showing mountains as well as hotels and restaurants along way, beach houses, adults and kids sitting in yard and eating as well as drinking beer and smoking, kids posing, adults and kids playing with a ball, followed by clip of two babies in crib.

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75E
Length:  8:25
Dates:  1960s

Keyword Description:
From National Guard duty in NY, begins with Army trucks in lot and driving in convoy down the road, shot of toll booth to get on Mass pike, sign for Framingham and Natick, shots of hotels and restaurants, views of hills and river in gorge, trucks parked in field, scenes of bridge and city, sign for Albany, trucks parked in grass again, back on road, then parking in gravel, soldier in jeep on road with barracks, soldiers talking, group of soldiers standing with equipment and weapons in uniform, then marching down road.

Contributor:  Chris Rogers
Catalog No. 75F
Length:  9:03
Dates:  1960s

Keyword Description:
From National Guard duty in NY, begins with soldiers near barracks playing horseshoes, then marching, shot of helicopter, military band in field, other soldiers marching, horseshoes again, soldiers firing mortars in a field, scenes of barracks, soldiers marching and then talking, scenes from road, tanks, soldiers walking in woods, footage of streets in town, mountains in distance.