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Political Memorabilia Collections

Local, state, and national election political campaign memorabilia from the 1970s through 2015.

Political Memorabilia

     A mainstay of political campaigns, from bumper stickers and posters to ribbons, buttons, and literature, political memorabilia comes in various forms. Through the decades, although many of the issues have stayed the same, the candidates have changed. The respective collections of Frank Talty, Mehmed Ali, Richard Howe, Jr., and others that have provided their collections for digitization, allow glimpses of candidates, issues, and elections over a few decades. While most of the memorabilia focuses on candidate support, there are items with messages in opposition to some candidates. This archive is not to promote or oppose any specific political candidate, set of issues, or party, but rather to document and preserve these collections.

     The home page of each section contains a gallery with one image from each candidate and a list of the candidates, organized alphabetically by last name, is located on the left side of the screen.

     Thanks to Richard P. Howe, Jr.'s book, Lowell Municipal Elections: 1965- 2015 (Lowell: Richard P. Howe, Jr.), and Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts William Galvin's website, PD43+, for additional election year and candidate information.