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Center for Lowell History, UMass Lowell Archives and Special Collections

Lowell Massachusetts viewed from Christian Hill

Lowell viewed from the residence of T. L. Tuxbury, detail of lithographic print by J. B. Bachelder, 1856.
Lowell Historical Society Negatives Collection

Welcome to the Center for Lowell History (CLH) at UMass Lowell!


The Center for Lowell History, located in the heart of downtown, is a branch of UMass Lowell's University Library. We are dedicated to the preservation of Greater Lowell and University history.

Discover our collections by planning a research visit or exploring our online resources, listed in the menu on the left.


Regular Hours

 Monday-Thursday 9:30am-5:00pm


 Research visits are conducted by appointment only.

Contact us at to schedule your visit.

For information on visiting the Center for Lowell History, view our Visit Us page.

Holiday and Weekend Hours

Closed on all federal and state holidays.

Open the 3rd Saturday of the month by appointment from 

10:00am-3:00pm (September-May)

Our next Saturday is February 15th, 2025


Mission Statement

The University of Massachusetts Lowell, Center for Lowell History was established in 1971 to assure the safekeeping, preservation, and availability for study research materials in unique subject areas, particularly those related to the Greater Lowell Area and the University of Massachusetts Lowell. In addition, the Center is committed to the design and implementation of historical and cultural programs and activities that link the University and the community in developing an economically strong and multi-culturally rich region.

Search our LibGuides

Our LibGuides present and contextualize resources from our collections to help researchers and community members engage with Lowell and University history across topics, cultures, and time periods. 

Search our Library Catalog

How to Search

To browse for book titles in the library:                                                 

✦ type in a general search term in the box above, either Keyword or Subject
✦ use the filters at left of the landing page: 
      under the Held by Library menu click UMass Lowell Libraries.
      under Format click the type of content you are looking for. library filter screen


You can filter for type of publication, date of publication, as well as author, subject, or database.