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UMass Lowell's First Year Writing Program

Student and Instructor Resources. Scheduled to be migrated to Blackboard FA23. (per Ann Dean)

Faculty are required to indicate how students’ course grades will be determined by offering students a clear breakdown of their course grade by percentages of major assignments (i.e., the four required essays, plus any other major assignments or categories of work, such as journals, a portfolio or final exam, participation, homework/in-class writing, etc.). While you may choose to explain your major assignments in detail, as some of the following examples do, all that is required is a basic breakdown of numerical percentages.

Your grade in this class will be based on the following breakdown:
Participation/in-class work: 15 points
4 Essays: 15 points each (60)
Journal: 3 points each (15)
Final Reflection: 10 points
To earn points towards participation, you will have thoughtfully read and annotated the assigned material, be present and engaged in the discussion by both speaking and listening, write in class for group assignments and writing prompts, and contribute to peer editing sessions by submitting your work and reviewing classmates’ essays. Please be prepared to take on a variety of roles in your small groups, including facilitating, recording answers, and presenting findings to the larger class. In-class assignments include written responses to questions on handouts and quizzes on the reading. Every day that you are present, prepared, and engaged, you earn points toward this category. Every day you are absent, unprepared, distracted, or don’t have the appropriate book or assignment ready, you lose points.

Paper One 15%
Paper Two 15%
Paper Three 20%
Paper Four 20%
Other Written Work 20%
Participation 10%

Participation (10%)
Your participation grade is a reflection of your attitude toward the course. For this reason, it is not enough simply to be in the classroom; you should show up to each class prepared (with all necessary materials and all homework done), and approach each class meeting with an inquisitive, engaged, and respectful attitude. Please note that the writing self-assessments you do throughout the semester are a significant part of your participation grade as well. Carefully read “Attendance and Tardiness” and “Classroom Conduct” in the Policies section below.
Journal (15%)
You will write in a journal approximately once a week over the course of the semester (for a total of 12 entries). You will get an assignment sheet and rubric for this journal.
Each of your formal essays will be written in at least two drafts. When handing in the final draft of any essay, you must always include the first drafts of that essay as well. Bring the draft you are working on to all classes during that segment of the course. Save all first and final drafts of all papers. All final drafts of papers will be collected in hard copy form on they day they are due and must also be submitted to Please note: you may not use outside sources (internet or written sources) for any papers without approval from me. We will discuss this in class, and you will be given clear, written assignment sheets for all papers.
• Epistolary Essay 15%
• Personality Essay 15%
• Common Text Analysis Essay 20%
• Visual Analysis Essay 15%
Final Exam (10%)
The final exam will be a short response essay. Date, time, and location TBA.