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UMass Lowell's First Year Writing Program

Student and Instructor Resources. Scheduled to be migrated to Blackboard FA23. (per Ann Dean)

You must let students know that you will apply University policy and report instances of plagiarism to the Provost’s Office. Include a link to that policy:

A CWI syllabus might be the first place a student has ever had these terms properly defined. This policy is the start of a semester-long conversation about academic integrity. Though you have discretion in terms of the penalties you apply, you must let students know exactly what will happen to their grade if they plagiarize. The examples below illustrate a range of reasonable responses. Please keep in mind that you will never be able to apply a sanction that you have not articulated in your syllabus.

Carefully review the university policies concerning academic honesty and integrity. More information can be found here:
In a nutshell, any use of others’ writing or thinking without giving them proper credit for their words and ideas is considered plagiarism; even if you have only used a sentence without providing proper credit. Similarly, the resubmission of your own previously produced work, for which you have already received credit in other courses or in high school, is considered a case of self-plagiarism which violates academic integrity. Both plagiarism and self-plagiarism will result in failing this course and a report to the Chair of the English Department and the Office of the Provost.

I will not tolerate plagiarism. Be prepared to submit your work electronically through When you are writing for this course, save your notes, outlines, and early drafts (which might mean printing your work periodically), as I reserve the right to examine those materials should a question of legitimate authorship arise. If you cannot produce documentation of your work upon request, you may be required to rewrite the essay. Papers found to be plagiarized—either intentionally or through carelessness—will receive a grade of zero, which will be factored into the final course grade. Such papers may not be rewritten, and any incident of plagiarism will be reported to the Provost’s Office. Please make sure you are thoroughly familiar with the various definitions of plagiarism, which include handing in work not your own, failing to appropriately cite others’ intellectual property, and inappropriately paraphrasing information or ideas from other sources. Familiarize yourself with the University’s policy on academic dishonesty. You can find the university policy regarding academic dishonesty at

You are expected to give and receive help in this class, but all written work must be your own. You can find the university policy regarding academic dishonesty at:
That policy states, “Academic dishonesty is prohibited in all programs of the University. Sanctions may be imposed on any student who has committed an act of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes but is not limited to cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and facilitating dishonesty.” Plagiarism includes directly copying a source without acknowledging that source, summarizing or paraphrasing someone’s ideas without acknowledging the source, or submitting an essay written by someone else. Refer to section MLA-2a page 369 in A Writer's Reference on ways to avoid plagiarism.