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UMass Lowell's First Year Writing Program

Student and Instructor Resources. Scheduled to be migrated to Blackboard FA23. (per Ann Dean)

It is not mandatory to specify your policy on late work; however, because the nature of the course requires frequent deadlines, outlining your policy on late or missed work fosters clear communication of expectations and enables greater consistency of application. The following examples demonstrate effective policies that support student success in the area of time management and process-based learning.

All written work will be collected in hard copy form at the beginning of class on the day it is due. Late first drafts will result in a zero for workshop participation, and the student won’t receive feedback from me. Late final drafts will automatically be marked down ten percent for eachclass they are late. If I do not have a final draft within a week of the due date I will not accept it and the student will receive a zero for the assignment. This cannot be made up. If you are having trouble completing an assignment, talk to me before the due date. If you know in advance that you will be out on the day a first or final draft is due, hand in your paper early.

All homework assignments are due on the designated due dates. If you must be absent, email homework before class, as I do NOT accept late work. Rough and revised drafts are due on the assigned due dates. You will lose 10 points from the final essay if they are late. All final essays are due on the assigned due dates. Late papers will receive a grade of zero. This includes papers turned into my mailbox on the due date; hand in your work in class. I will give short extensions on the major writing assignments, provided that you request the extension at least two days before the due date. Taking an extension will reduce your grade on the assignment by a letter grade, and I will not accept papers after the extended due date. All four major essays must be completed in order to pass the course.

Late papers (the four major papers) will be downgraded unless I have granted you permission to turn one in late. For each class period that the paper is late, your grade for it will go down one letter grade (that means that after three class periods past the due date there is no way you can pass in a late paper). Permission to turn in a late paper without penalty will be given rarely: only based on a conversation with me and never on the day it is due. All other late work will not be accepted, so if you miss class, you must get me your work by the time it would have been due. You are always expected to have done the reading.