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UMass Lowell's First Year Writing Program

Student and Instructor Resources. Scheduled to be migrated to Blackboard FA23. (per Ann Dean)

Students who successfully complete the course meet the course outcomes.

Students use the UML custom edition of A Writer’s Reference both in class and on their own, for reference and to complete course assignments.

Students write 4 papers, totaling a 20-24 pages of edited, final-draft writing.

Students get written assignments, with explanations of requirements and expectations.

Students get feedback on drafts in time to use it as they revise their final drafts.

Students have at least one grade on a final paper before midterm.

Students learn and use a citation style that will be useful in their major.

Students include at least one peer-reviewed, scholarly source in at least two of their four papers.

Students write for an academic audience in at least two of their four papers.

Students have at least one exposure to research at UML.

The 4 paper assignments require students to

work with peer-reviewed, scholarly sources.
interpret evidence, both documentary and quantitative
engage with scholarly conversations, using ideas in scholarly sources to frame questions and problems and to interpret evidence.

To view Ann’s presentation on creating assignments for College Writing II, click on the following links:

Citation Styles in the Disciplines

chart of citation styles in the disciplines