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UMass Lowell's First Year Writing Program

Student and Instructor Resources. Scheduled to be migrated to Blackboard FA23. (per Ann Dean)

Please provide your students with information and guidance about how to contact you during the course of the semester. It can also be helpful to give first-year students some instruction about why they might want to contact you. The syllabus is a good place to set ground rules and student expectations about the contact they might have with you outside of class.

It is most helpful for you to simply list your contact information (e-mail and office location) at the top of the syllabus, and to make comments about contact with students in a separate section. Please note: Adjunct faculty are not required to hold office hours per the UAW adjunct faculty union contract.

Given that the space used by adjunct faculty teaching in the FYWP is shared space and so exact locations are changeable, you might want simply to give the location of the main department office on the campus where you are teaching as the location for office hours and conferences. On South, the main English Department office location is O’Leary 500. On North, the main English Department office location is Lydon 302.

The FYWP requires faculty to use University servers ( and to send and receive e-mails concerning student work and program and English Department business.

Since campus phones are shared, and we do not create a record of contacts, we ask that you do not conduct business with students using phone or voicemail. We do not recommend that you give students your private phone contact information.

Also, please feel free to refer students to the section on email etiquette in the custom handbook.



You can communicate with me outside of class in the following ways. Please make sure you check your university email and/or check our course website regularly for updates and announcements [note for faculty: a course website is not required]. You can also use e-mail to ask for assistance. I will not be able to read through full drafts over e-mail, but you are welcome to e-mail me with specific questions and I will respond, or use e-mail to set up an appointment to speak to me in office hours or to request a meeting at another time. I usually respond to e-mail within 24 hours. All e-mail received after 5:00 p.m. on Friday will be answered by the end of the day on Monday.