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ARHI.3520-081: Contemporary Art and Culture

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guggenheim museum, Bilbao Spain
The Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao, Spain. Architect Frank O. Gehry
Photo by Dennis Stock Used in accordance with Artstor Terms and Conditions

Welcome to Contemporary Art and Culture with Kathleen Redman

The 20th and 21st centuries have been shaped by technological progress, war over ideologies and dwindling resources, hybridity and globalization. Following the Second World War, artists and architects transformed the avant-garde tradition of their European predecessors to establish a dialogue with the mass media, consumer culture, and the art history and art world context itself that has resulted in a wide array of work in diverse media. 

This course will examine the critical concepts related to the recent expansion of the creative practice and the "post-medium" condition. Issues investigated range from multiculturalism, social practice, feminism, gender and queer theory, postmodernism, globalism, post-colonialism, new media and the internet, deconstructivist and high-tech architecture, designing a global museum and occupying the art world.

Required Text/Readings:

H.H. Arnason and Elizabeth C. Mansfield, History of Modern Art, 7th edition (Prentice Hall, 2013).