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Teachers’ Organization. In 1918, women dominated the education system in Lowell and they wanted the vote.
Frances Masterson (1888-1963), Member: Lowell High School, History Teacher
Katherine E. Kelly (1866-?), Secretary: Cross Street School, Teacher
Genieve England Lawrence (1889-1973), President: Lowell High School, Biology Teacher
Lowell Teachers’ Organization Lowell, Mass, Dec 3, 1918. To The United States Senate,
At a meeting of our Teachers’ Organization the following resolutions submitted by Miss Frances Masterson, one of our number, and Chairman of the Lowell Suffrage City Committee, were indorsed.
Whereas, America has been fighting for the right of self-government for the people of Europe while one-half of the people of America are denied that right, and
Whereas, the ideal of democracy can Be defended with increased zeal abroad if it be given practical application at home, and
Whereas, the votes of the loyal women of America are needed as never before to sustain America ideals at the polls, as our men fought for American ideals in the trenches, and
Whereas, country by country, all Europe is recognizing woman suffrage as fundamental to democracy, British women, Danish women, Icelandic women. Russian women, Austrian women, and German women, all having been enfranchised; therefore, be it
Resolved, that we teachers of the City of Lowell call on the Senate of the United States to pass the federal Suffrage Amendment, to the end that America may have the added strength of Democracy at home, even as she fought for democracy abroad, and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to the United States Senate in are of Senator Lodge of Massachusetts.
Frances Masterson
per Katherine Kelly, Secretary,
Genieve Lawrence, President
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