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Lowell Mill Life Letters

October 24, 1847

Courtesy: University of Massachusetts Lowell 
Transcribed: University of Massachusetts Lowell, Center for Lowell History 
Lowell Oct. 24 1847 
Dear Sister1 

received your letter yesterday and was over-joyed to hear from you and to hear that you was well and all 
the rest of the folks for I have thought a grate deel about Father2 and Mother3 being all a lone. thought if 
they should be sick no one to take care of them in their old age. but I now rest contented if you will stay to home for their is no place like home and I think you will be as well off in the Spring as I shall be and enjoy your-self as well considering all things for it is not quite as plesant as a great meny think to be a mony strangers a way from home but I get along very well better than expected to but let you go whare you will 
you will find troble but I have lernt better than to let small things troble me since left home, it has been 
the greatest lesson I have ever learned in all my life when I came hear I went to Mrs. Mores4 with Martha5 to board on the Hamilton Co.6 and went into the mill to work I staid their two weeks as I told you in my letter before I then went into the Shop to work and expected to have to get a boarding place I asked Mrs. M if I could board their and work in the Shop she told me I could a while till some of her boarders got back that was gone home I inquired of the Girls in the Shop if they knew whair I could get a place and one of the girls told me

  1Sarah C. Jackson b: 1815, ME; married 1853 Winslow Arey b: 1813 
  2David Jackson b: 1788, Hampden/Newburgh, ME 
  3Sarah “Sally” Cobb b: 1791 
  4Mrs. Mary G. Moore b: 1795, NH; boardinghouse keeper, Hamilton Mills #15 
  5Martha R. Jackson b: May 1828, ME; married Oct 1848  
     William S. Pattee b: 8 Aug 1822, ME 
  6Hamilton Manufacturing Company, Jackson Street 

she thought I could board with her so I went and got a place for us boath I then told Mrs. Mores I had got a place for Martha and I to board as she told me I could stay but a short time she then told me I could stay their and she would not go to that place for changeing to places Girls got a bad name so I rested conted and thought I should stay their and gave up my place to Olive J,7 and Nancy Jackins, as soon as she found that place was taken up she told me to look a round for she could not board Street boarders I knew of no place and could hear of no place but I told her my money was good as any ones else and I thought there was places a nuff and I could find one if I couldn’t I could go home so I started that day in persuit of a place and found one on Market St to Mrs. Wymans8 they have from nineteen to twenty gentlemen and two girls besides us we have been here one week last Friday like so far first rate You wanted me to write what you should do with my Geese eggs how your should hatch them the best way I can prescribe is to hatch them by steem for that is the qui- ckest way now-days of doing business, you just say to Mr Whitneys9 folks when I find out when I am going to be married I will let them know all a bout it the overseer haven’t concluded to take me this fall so I cant tell them any thing more about it you say John10 has been a good brother to you since I left I am very glad to hear it and hope he will continue to be while we are here for you seem to be all most alone 

   7Olive Jackson b: 1810 
    8Oliver and Joan Wyman, boardinghouse, Market Street 
    9John and Betsey Fairbanks Whitney and Family, next door neighbors 
  10John Jackson 

Olive is in the Shop with me I want to see you very much tell Mother to be carefull and not get sick I was glad to hear that Father had got a long so well with his work and that he was well and they were going on their jurney this winter you stay to home and be a good girl and I will bring you a sugar plum when I come home give my love to all the folks tell Susan W11 not to whip the little ones this winter and George12 that I shall come home to make his coat next sumar as he wanted me to tell Nancy13 to write and all the rest of the folks just as I expects to hear from the folks to Bangor give my love to them all and when I write to 
the Weston14 again he will answer it tell the girls to Bangor I want to see them very much and want them to write and particularly Elviry Gould for she told me she would write, say to her I will meet her half way and have a fite, you try and behave your self if Farther and Mother goes away this winter on their jurney if John comes out to see[----] you if I hant their to take care of you O Sarah the Lowell Fellows are around I tell you. I think their is a great chance for a speculation hear. Martha is a round with her hair curled and poor toehead has to stand back but I shant bear it long I tell you I must finish by saying do write as, soon 
as you receive this from P C Jackson15 your sis 
Cyrene has wrote such a mess of stuff that I have a good mind to burn it but as it is all falce I will let it pass and she is the one that is around for the fellows are trying to shine all they can and great big I has to stand back with the objection you are to large for me so 
you can judge my feelings I have no more to write So good by from 
                                            Martha R Jackson16

[on cover] 
Miss. Sarah Jackson17 

  11Susan Elizabeth Whitney b: 1820, next door neighbor, married  
        Benjamin Croxford, 1848 
  12George Washington Whitney b: 1822, next door neighbor 
  13Nancy Angeline Whitney, b: 1825, next door neighbor 
  14John Weston living with Martha R. Jackson Pattee and Family, 1850. 
  15Phebe Cyrene Jackson b: 1824, ME; married Oct 1864 John G.  
       Molesworth b: 1822 
  16Martha R. Jackson b: May 1828, ME; married Oct 1848 William S.  
       Pattee b: 8 Aug 1822, ME 
  17Sarah C. Jackson b: 1815, ME; married 1853 Winslow Arey b: 1813