What is #1Lib1Ref?
This annual event is a great way to get involved in Wikipedia, especially if you love finding sources (like many librarians). Sponsored by the Wikipedia Library, the #1Lib1Ref event asks you to do one thing: add one citation to a Wikipedia every day from January 15 - February 3rd. It was designed to help more librarians get comfortable with adding citations.
What do you do?
How do I find content that needs to be verified?
You can search Wikipedia and find them. Start with an entry on a topic you like. Some might be marked as needing verification.
If that's not something you are comfortable with, try the Citation Hunt! You will be given a statement that needs a citation. If you feel like you can find a source, you do. If not, you can skip it for another. You can keep skipping until you find something you can find a source for.
Can I tweet about this?
Of course! Use the tag #1Lib1Ref so others will know what you are doing!
How can I get help doing this?
Come by O'Leary Library from 2-4 on January 18th. We will be working on the project. We can help you find sources and more!