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This guide was developed in Fall 2024 by Bari Pender (Ph.D., M.L.S. expected Spring 2025) and Veronica Chea (B.S. Public Health, expected Spring 2026), with inspiration and content from:
You are invited to re-use any content from this guide without needing to contact us, but please credit the authors and UMass Lowell Library when re-using.
If your funder does not require a specific repository, and there is no discipline specific repository for your data, then you can utilize one several general purpose repositories.
Interested in comparing these repositories? Review the Generalist Repository Comparison Chart(linked here and shown below) for comparisons on file size limits, costs to researchers, licensing options and much more.
Stall, S., Martone, M. E., Chandramouliswaran, I., Federer, L., Gautier, J., Gibson, J., Hahnel, M., Larkin, J., Pfeiffer, N., Sedora, B., Sim, I., Smith, T., Van Gulick, A. E., Walker, E., Wood, J., Zaringhalam, M., & Zigoni, A. (2023). Generalist Repository Comparison Chart (3.0). Zenodo.