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This guide was developed in Fall 2024 by Bari Pender (Ph.D., M.L.S. expected Spring 2025) and Veronica Chea (B.S. Public Health, expected Spring 2026), with inspiration and content from:
You are invited to re-use any content from this guide without needing to contact us, but please credit the authors and UMass Lowell Library when re-using.
In a research setting, data management describes all activities surrounding data throughout the data lifecycle as it is created, analyzed, stored, shared, and reused.
Good data management ensures that data is
for both you as the researcher and for the broader research community.
There are many benefits from managing your data, for others and for YOU. It ensures:
Data management may include data sharing plans, especially when you need to comply with external requirements. Even if you have no external mandate, sharing your data
Your research data has a lifespan beyond your projects and publications.
The research data lifecycle depicts this flow, planning how data will be handled throughout collection, analysis, storage, and sharing so that it can be discovered and reused by others.
Research data is valuable and foundational to scientific discovery. Shared scientific data allows other researchers to unearth new findings. Good data management practices ensure that your data is meaningful tomorrow, next month and 10 years from now