All locations of the University Library will be closed on Sunday, February 16, 2025, due to inclement weather. If you have any questions, please contact
Name and Places: Roger J. Brunelle; Jack Kerouac; Gerard Kerouac; Leo Kerouac; Gabrielle Kerouac; Caroline Kerouac; Gabrielle Levesque; Stella (Sampas) Kerouac; Sebastian Sampas; Anthony Sampas; Ben Woitena; John Sampas; Fr. Armand “Spike” Morissette; Hassan Melehy; Brian Foye; Cyndi Edwards; Thomas Keller; Marthe B. Peloquin; Robert B. Perrault; Secretariat permanent des peuples francophones; Wayne; William “Billy” Koumantzelis; Henry Ferrini; George N. Koumantzelis; Francois Kirouac; Francois Kirouac; Steak Hache; Paul Marion; Beat Books; Club Jack Kerouac; City of Lowell; Societe Liturgique; The Canadian Historical Association; Editions de la Tourelle; American-Canadian Genealogical Society; La Societe Historique Franco-Americaine; Robert Perrault; Liaison (Ottawa, ON); Dracut Public Schools; Marian College; Paul Maher, Jr.; Stephanie Nikolopoulos; Leon A. Lavallee; Chez Ben Diner; Robert B. Perrault; Liaison; FIFA; Alison Lobron; Boston Globe Magazine; La Bonne Chanson Enr.; Allen Ginsberg; Shambhala Productions; Thomas Kelles; Lowell Spinners; Jack Kerouac Estate; University of Massachusetts Lowell; Celebrates Kerouac!; Whistler House Museum of Art; Angelpa Flores, Jr.; Le Monde; The Vatican; National Geographic; Christopher Scott; Lowell Sun; Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!; Kevin Ring; Jim Burns; Beat Scene; Robert Cormier; Francois La Rochelle; Nathalie Petrowski; Jantine [?]; John Fitch IV; Gary; Le Monde; Louise Peloquin; Mark Schorr; Water Row Books; The Kerouac Connection; Bernice M. Lemire; Boston College Graduate School; Louis T. Albarran; Spencer Dew; H. Camp Gordinier; Terry; Ann L. MacGibbon; Barbeau;
Donson [?]; Lowell National Historical Park; National Park Service; Helen Weaver; Bill Walsh; Moody Street Irregulars; Pierre Anctil; Louis DuPont; Remi Ferland; Eric Waddell; Francois Pelletier; Lawrence Eagle-Tribune; Kristen Schweizer; The Times Herald Record; Tony Pignataro; Chad Loder; Mark [Unknown]; Peter [Unknown]; Kay Ernst Dohnke; St. Louis School; Sacred Heart School; Carolyn Cassady; Town of Dracut; St. Louis de France Church; John J. Dorfner; TIME Magazine; Gerald Nicosia; Yankee Magazine; Jan Kerouac; Joyce Johnson; Lowell Heritage State Park; Lowell Historic Preservation Commission; Massachusetts Dept. of Environmental Management; Calgary Herald; Ken McGoogan; Lawrence Ferlinghetti; City Lights; Christopher Scott; Anne Laupier; Tom Nordblad; Fr. John Gallagher; Clement Kirouc; Merrimack Journal; Stella Kerouac; Wayne L. Thomas; Anne Taupier; Claire Quintal; Rick Spencer; John J. McNamara; Betty E. Sampas; Connie Makris; Kendall M. Wallace; Raymond P. Howell; Paul McCue; Sharon Britton; Phil Bissell; J.F. Dacey; New York Post; The Boston Globe; Daily News; Harvey Dickinson; Beverly Ford; Robert Gavin; San Jose Mercury News; San Francisco Chronicle; Washington Post; Boston Phoenix; Jim Schuh; Ben Woitena; Charles O. Perry; Chuck Fahlen; Lowell Historic Preservation Commission; Allen Ginsberg; Armand Chartier; Catherine Rivard Chartier; Antoine Clement; Richard Santerre; Yves Guéguen, O.M.I.; Charles H. Dozois, O.M.I.; James T. Jones; Regina Weinreich; Penguin Books; Isaac Gerwitz; St. Jean Baptiste Church (Lowell, MA); University of Montreal Séminaire Saint-Charles-Borromée; New England Orchestra; Kay George Roberts; Sebastian Sampas; Tony Sampas; Ann Charters; University of Quebec at Montreal; Tim Hunt; Gerald Nicosia; Jean-Christophe Cloutier; Antoine Gallimard; Jean-Sébastien Ménard; Lowell (MA); Dracut (MA); Ottawa (ON); Montreal (QC); Pollard Memorial Library (Lowell, MA); Lowell City Library (Lowell, MA); Kaviraj George Dowden; Marthe B. Peloquin, FFFA
Subject headings: Jack Kerouac; The Town and The City; On the Road; Mexico City Blues; Dharma Bums; Big Sur; Pic; Visions of Gerard; Maggie Cassidy; Desolation Angels; Doctor Sax; Pawtucketville; Merrimack River; Concord River; Merrimac River; Galloway (fictional place name); Lowell (MA); Lowell Celebrates Kerouac!; The Beats; The Beat Generation; Franco-American; French Canadian; Catholic; Genealogy; Photographs; Slides; Newspaper articles; Jack Kerouac Commemorative Park; Saint Jean-Baptiste Church (Lowell, MA); St. Louis de France Church; St. Louis de France School; Commemorative; Memorial; Sculpture; Art; Birth certificate; Baptismal record; Death record; Death certificate; Genealogy; Marriage; Death; Literature; Poetry; Prose; Haiku; American Haiku; Dharma Beat; Moody Street Irregulars; Moody St. (Lowell, MA); Festival International de la Litterature; Le Tresor Des Kirouc; Nuit Blanche; Les Avanti-Dire de la Recontre Internationale Jack Kerouac; Yankee Magazine; Lowell Sun (Lowell, MA); Lawrence Eagle-Tribune (Lawrence, MA); The Boston Globe (Boston, MA); Whistler House Museum of Art (Lowell, MA); The Worthen (Lowell, MA)