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Arts Based Research


Writing, research, and music education have much in common with music: To undertake qualitative research is to create an experience. 


  • Music can help us access and shed light on parts of social experience that other textual or visual forms may fail to capture" (Leavy, 2009, p.106).

Musical Portraiture

If you cannot access the above video, you can watch it here:

Website description: Part of the Performance by the violinist, vocalist, poet Terry Jenoure with the dancer Maria Mitchell in Pavia's festival: Jazz per Due 2009. The project is called What Is A Woman because it explores the deep meaning of being a daughter, a mother, a woman artist and performer through music, sounds, colors and signs. A story never ended that needs to be told..

Performance Collage

How can music communicate ideas about history?

If you cannot access the above video, you can watch it here: