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PSYC.2690: Research I: Methods

Recommended Readings

You will be able to complete the course successfully without purchasing these recommended books, but they will be of assistance to you in this (and, I assume, in other courses) should you desire to obtain them. 

If you have not taken many psychology content courses that require you to read the empirical literature—i.e., read reports of research and consider what the results mean—then you should seriously consider obtaining a copy of Forty Studies. It will help you to ground the methodological information we are covering in the type of content you are interested in. You will need to think this way to come up with a topic that will make an appropriate final proposal. 

Access to Titles in the Internet Archive

To read books in the Internet Archive, you need to create an account. Once you log in, most items can be borrowed for 1 hour at a time, while some can be borrowed for 14 days. Click the "Borrow" button to start reading. When the time is up, you can renew the loan if no one else is trying to access that item.

Very Important!

When you have finished your Internet Archive reading session, be sure to click the "Return Now" button, even if you plan to read the book at another time. This will make it available for others in the class.