2021 by Renee LeClair, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine.
An undergraduate, medical-level resource across the disciplines of genetics, cell biology and biochemistry. Designed as a first-year undergraduate medical course that is delivered typically before students start to explore systems physiology and pathophysiology. Provides the essential information in a concise format. The text assumes that the students will have completed medical school prerequisites (including the MCAT) in which they will have been introduced to the most fundamental concepts of biology and chemistry that are essential to understand the content presented here.
2020 by Gerald Bergtrom.
The latest edition of an interactive Open Educational Resource (OER) electronic textbook, available under a Creative Commons CC-BY license. Opens with a short history of the discipline and a discussion of scientific method. The book remains focused on the understanding of evolution that informs all of the life sciences and continues to provide experimental support for what we know about cell and molecular biology. function. Available in three versions (plus a sample chapter).:
2021 by Andrea Bierema, Michigan State University.
Includes an introduction to sciences and the scientific method, addresses the human body in increasing scale: from biological molecules, to cells and tissues, to organs and all eleven organ systemsl with a focus on health. The text includes case studies for each chapter, interactive self-marking study activities, highlights of Indigenous knowledge and examples, a pop-up glossary, and links to resources for extending learning.
2021 by Gerald Bergtrom.
Focused on experimental support for what we know about cell and molecular biology, and showing students the relationship of cell structure and function. Rather than trying to be a comprehensive reference book, this text selectively details investigative questions, methods and experiments that lead to our understanding of cell biology. Learning objectives and external links to supplementary material.