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Profile photos help your peers recognize you and increase the visibility of your research.
The profile on ResearchGate shows an overview of the researcher’s work: publications, professional expertise, institutions, contributions, and all the questions they have answered on the website. Researchers can show their peers current projects.
A ResearchGate profile is broken down into five tabs. First, the overview highlights some of the most important things about the researcher. Second, the Contributions contain all their publications, questions, and answers. Third, the info lists details of his/her skills and research experience. Then, the Stats shows who is viewing and downloading their research. Finally, the RG Score is designed to help measure the impact on their research.
Here is an example of ResarchGate Profile
Researcher: Xiaoqi Zhang
Your profile overview page shows the most important things about you and your work. You can always update it to create more exposure for your projects. This page contains your publications, questions, topics, awards and achievements, institutions, skills and expertise, and network.
Your profile contributions page shows a summary of your activities when you are on ResearchGate. It has number of publications, questions, answers, followers, and citations. It also has the number of account nominations remaining for the month.
Your profile info page contains a lot more information about you, your professional and research experience. It shows the topics that you are following, list of awards, contact information, etc.
The profile stats page contains weekly information about your activities, institution, and country. The charts on this page show who has viewed your profile.
How is RG Score calculated?
The RG score is based on how often other researchers interact with your content, and who they are. The higher their score, the more yours will increase.