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Ask Questions

Step 1: After you logged in to ResearchGate, go to the Questions Page.  

Step 2: Enter your question in the box provided in the top right-hand corner. 

Step 3: Click Ask a question

Step 4: In the box below the question, you should write as many details as possible to help the researchers answer your questions. 

Step 5: In addition to the details, you can also attach other resources such as images, graphs, publications to support your question. 

Step 6: Once you're done, you click "ask" to post your question.

Answer Questions

A high quality answer shows that you are an expert in your field.

Step 1: Go to the question’s page

Step 2: Click on the box “Answer” bellow the question.

Step 3: In addition to the answer, you can also attach other resources such as images, graphs, publications to support your answer.

Step 4: When you’re done, click Add your answer.