A broad collection, across disciplines, with both scholarly and popular sources. Includes leading academic journals, regional and national newspapers, and some reference sources. A good starting point for any topic, and most useful for contemporary newspaper coverage.
Publication dates: 1980 - current (earlier for some titles)
A core research tool for nursing and allied health fields. Provides full text for over 770 of the journals indexed in CINAHL, including many of the most heavily used titles, beginning in 1962.
The Cochrane Collection combines several databases providing high-quality, independent evidence to inform health care decision-making including: the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Methodology Register. Coverage: 1982 - present
Comprehensive source for dissertations and theses from more than 70 countries. A good source for emerging research not yet published in other scholarly publications. Many immediately available in full text.
PubMed comprises more than 19 million citations for biomedical articles from MEDLINE and life science journals. Citations may include links to full-text articles from PubMed Central or publisher web sites.