A deep historical backfile with cover-to-cover full-page and article images in downloadable PDF, from a key newspaper of record for the United States. From Sept 18,1851 - Dec 31, 2020.
Please navigate directly to the New York Times for access. For access, you must sign up for our special pass to the New York Times, including full access to current and historical articles, the NYT News app, subscriber-only newsletters, some NYT Games, and more. Your first time only, follow this link to sign up for a university account. After your first sign-up go directly to nyt.com. For more information on activation and renewal, please visit our NYT Sign Up Guide
The newspaper subscriptions at UML come in the form of searchable databases rather than the familiar landing page where you can browse. This does not mean you won't get the articles you are looking for, and you can find articles in the current issue.
Follow a few simple steps, as outlined in this guide, to find what you need in the:
Boston Globe
New York Times
Financial Times
Wall Street Journal
and others.
You will need to be logged in to the UML Library to access some of the material in this guide. If you are logged in to your UML email you are logged in to the library. You may get an additional authentication phone call from Duo. This is routine.
If prompted, enter your UML email credentials. If you still have trouble, clear the cache on your device. Email not working? Troubleshoot from here.
The Nexis Uni database can be a simple option for searching for articles in the New York Times. Click the "Publication" tab, enter search terms in the field on the left and start typing "New York Times" in the field on the right but be sure to choose "New York Times from the dropdown. You can refine your search from the resulting landing page.
Search tip: when using the library's Gale New York Times database: if at first you don't succeed, do less. Some search terms may not match up to the metadata the database has attached to a particular article. Try mixing and substituting search terms based on title, author, publication date. Not all items from the NYT magazine are included. Alternatively, try Nexis Uni, (see instructions this page).
If you see an article on nytimes.com, or something archived via their SEARCH app (top of page) –then you can go to news.google.com and search for the headline or keywords. The Times allows backdoor access to its content via Google News. It is usually possible to find items from today's paper this way.
To search the New York Times Historical archive from 1851, use the Proquest database.