Instructor: Lauren Fogle, Phd.
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Le Livre des Simples Médecines, Mid 15th c. parchment
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Welcome to Professor Fogle's Course, Europe in the Middle Ages
A survey of the Latin West during the formative period from the late Western Roman Empire to the Protestant Reformation. Attention will be paid to the Islamic and Byzantine worlds as well. Students will work extensively with primary source material to foster better understanding and analytical skills.
A Short History of the Middle Ages by Barbara Rosenwein, University of Toronto Press
(Most chapters of this book are available in Google Books.)
On Reserve at O'Leary Library
Reading the Middle Ages: Sources from Europe, Byzantium, and the Islamic World by Barbara Rosenwein
Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook by Emilie Amt
Medieval England 1000-1500: A Reader
Medieval Europe: A Short Sourcebook by Warren Hollister
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