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Help with EconLit

Let's say you decide to write your paper on economics and sports. You need to narrow down your focus to come up with some keywords to start off your search. Are you curious about the impact of sports stadiums or maybe how the cost of running a major league team affects the city where it is built? Put a couple of  keywords in the search fields.


econlit search page with terms sports arena and value in the fields with annotation don't choose yet and not many in red script.

Only five results. You need more than that at this stage. Try to add to the number of terms by thinking of other keywords that mean the same thing as your original terms. For instance for sports arena you could enter (arena OR stadium), for value you could add (value OR cost OR impact) and you can add a third search field and put in a particular sport. We'll choose basketball.


search in econlit with six terms basketball or mlb arean or stadium value or impact


The first result seems kind of off topic, so it makes sense to scan these results, see if anything connects, put an Interlibrary Loan request in if need be, and try some new search terms.