2020 by Hyesung Park et al, Georgia Gwinnett College.
Includes these topics:
Binary Numbers
Data Types
Object Oriented Programming.
2017 by Ed Jorgensen, University of Nevada.
The purpose of this text is to provide a simple and free reference for university level programming and architecture units that include a brief section covering MIPS assembly language programming. The text assumes usage of the QtSpim simulator. An appendix is included that covers the download, installation, and basic use of the QtSpim simulator.The scope of this text addresses basic MIPS assembly language programming including instruction set usage, stacks, procedure/function calls, QtSpim simulator system services, multiple dimension arrays, and basic recursion.
2021 by Stephen Davies, University of Mary Washington.
A concise yet comprehensive coverage of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design concepts, suitable for a second programming course in Computer Science. It introduces and teaches application development in a command-line environment, and assumes basic expertise with the Java programming language.
2014 by Michael Mendez.
Provides students with an understanding of the various elements of web development by focusing on the concepts and fundamentals through examples, providing a foundation that allows easier transition to other languages and a better understanding of how to approach their works.