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Music Research Guide

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Music Education in Your Hands : An Introduction for Future Teachers by Michael L. Mark and Patrice Madura
Just Good Teaching : Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance in Theory and Practice by Laura Sindberg
Quick Reference for Band Directors by Ronald E. Kearns
The Complete Marching Band Resource Manual : Techniques and Materials for Teaching, Drill Design, and Music Arranging by Wayne Bailey, Cormac Cannon, and Brandt Payne
Conducting and Rehearsing the Instrumental Music Ensemble : Scenarios, Priorities, Strategies, Essentials, and Repertoire by John F. Colson
Handbook for Beginning Choral Educators by Walter Lamble
Before the Singing : Structuring Children's Choirs for Success by Barbara Tagg
Inquiry in Music Education
Advances in Social-Psychology and Music Education Research by Patrice Madura Ward-Steinman
Kodály Today : A Cognitive Approach to Elementary Music Education by Micheal Houlahan and Philip Tacka
Transforming Music Education
Musical Creativity: Insights from Music Education Research by Oscar Odena and Professor Graham Welch
Music Education with Digital Technology : Education and Digital Technology by Anthony Adams, Sue Brindley, John Finney, and Pamela Burnard
A Basis for Music Education by Keith Swanwick
Alternative Approaches in Music Education : Case Studies from the Field by Ann C. Clements, Don Coffman, Frank Abrahams, Joseph Abramo, Carlos Abril, Sarah Bartolome, Nancy Beitler, Ruth Boshkoff, Brenda Brenner, and Lily Chen-Hafteck
Music, Education, and Multiculturalism : Foundations and Principles by Terese M. Volk
Research Methodologies in Music Education by Kay Ann Hartwig
Democracy and Music Education : Liberalism, Ethics, and the Politics of Practice by Paul G. Woodford
Collaborative Learning in Higher Music Education : Why What and How? by Helena Gaunt, Heidi Westerlund, and Professor Graham Welch
Technology and the Gendering of Music Education by Victoria Armstrong
Music Therapy
The Handbook of Music Therapy

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