Registration is required before using SciFinder-n, and popups must be enabled in your browser. SciFinder-n offers access to the complete Medline and Chemical Abstracts Service databases. You can also view experimental spectra for compounds (in CAS’ Registry database); browse IR, MS and NMR spectra (in Wiley and Japanese SDBS databases); find experimental 13C and 1H NMR spectra (in BioRad-Sadtler), and search predicted proton and 13C NMR spectra (in ACD Labs).
The NIST Chemistry WebBook provides users with easy access to chemical and physical property data for chemical species through the internet. The data provided in the site are from collections maintained by the NIST Standard Reference Data Program and outside contributors. Data in the WebBook system are organized by chemical species. The WebBook system allows users to search for chemical species by various means. Once the desired species has been identified, the system will display data for the species.
NOTE: Chemical species refers to a chemical substance or ensemble composed of chemically identical molecular entities that can explore the same set of molecular energy levels on a characteristic or delineated time scale.