A collection of top academic journals focused on chemistry, published by the American Chemical Society, one of the leading societies and publishers in chemistry and related disciplines. Also includes access to the ACS weekly newsmagazine.
Access provided by the Office of Research Administration. A worldwide database of linked citations and awarded research funding. Use Dimensions for citation tracking (who has cited whom) or to explore grant and funding patterns such as who awards the most grants in your area. Developed by Digital Science in collaboration with over 100 leading research organizations around the world.
Part of ChemnetBase, the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics is a single, comprehensive resource that covers chemical and physical data, tables, constants, properties and more. This is the 105th edition (2024).
JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) is a peer-reviewed medical journal published 48 times a year by the American Medical Association. It publishes original research, reviews, and editorials covering all aspects of biomedicine. The journal was established in 1883.
There are also 11 JAMA network specialty journals that offer enhanced access to research, reviews and perspective shaping medicine today and into the future.
The Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology presents a wide scope of articles on chemical substances—including their properties, manufacturing, and uses. It also focuses on industrial processes and unit operations in chemical engineering, as well as covering fundamentals and scientific subjects related to the field. Additionally, environmental and health issues concerning chemical technology are addressed.
Knovel is an engineering resource with material properties data, technical references, and interactive tools from 160 trusted sources, 98,000 engineering concepts, and 75 million data points.
An authoritative source of information on chemicals, drugs, and biologicals. Contains over 12,000 monographs and links to thousands of relevant studies, trials, and reviews. Maintained by the Royal Academy of Chemistry.
The Nature Portfolio includes Nature the weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, , timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public. Coverage 1845 - current.
Full-text access to all 37 RSC journals plus backfile archive.
Coverage: 1841 - current
Provides access to 58 peer-reviewed journals and thousands of books published by the Royal Society of Chemistry, along with a collection of online databases and literature updating services. Coverage: 1841 - present
Since its inception in the early 1950's, Sax's Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials has become the primary source for those who need to evaluate the hazardous potential of substances used in commerce. Sax's is the only reference that combines data on toxicology, flammability, reactivity, explosive potential, and regularity information for over 28,000 substances.
Gale in Context: Science spans the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, earth and environmental science, health and medicine, and math and technology. Go beyond research projects and choose from over 350 experiments in 200 entries to assign during everyday instruction, enabling hands-on learning anywhere students have online access
Gale Science in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. The new solution merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, experiments, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
Browse over 5 thousand journals and 36 thousand books covering many topics in general science, medicine, computers, business, and more. Coverage 1995 - present.
Access to the complete Chemical Abstracts Service and Medline databases. Registration required before using and popups must be enabled in your browser.
Coverage: CAS 1907 - current & Medline 1950 - current
Produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, provides bibliographic citations and abstracts from the core journal literature in all areas of toxicology, including chemicals and pharmaceuticals, pesticides, environmental pollutants and mutagens and teratogens.
A searchable database of voluntary international standards developed by industry professionals used to guide the quality and safety of products and materials. Contains over 12,000 ASTM standards as well as AASHTO, AATCC, API, and UOP standards.
Polymer Library is the world's largest abstracts database dedicated to plastics, rubber, polymer composites and adhesives. Published by the expert team at WTI-Frankfurt-digital, this database contains information from journals, conference proceedings, books and reports. Coverage: 1947 - present