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Beginning Your Research

Tips & Tricks using library and other online resources

Deciding on a Topic

Deciding on a topic is possibly the most difficult part of doing research. If you're not sure how to start, talk with your professor, ask a librarian, or...

1. Think about a topic that will keep your interest.

2. Do some background reading from a textbook or subject encyclopedia.

3. Narrow your topic to something manageable. You may need to rework it several times as you research.

4. Try "Mind Mapping" or concept mapping your topic after consulting some background sources. You can also use Credo Reference's Concept Mapping tool*. 

 5. Once you have an idea, write it out as a short sentence or question then pick out search terms.
"How does stress affect memory?"  stress, memory

6. Use the sources in the Research Tools tab to find information.

*To activate the tool, from the library webpage, go to the Credo Reference database. Choose or type in a keyword and the concept map will be on the landing page. Here is an example:

Find Background Information


Once you start to narrow your topic, finding the right keywords is important. Don't be afraid to let your topic change as you do more research. Note: when the narrator says "one search" what she really means is "Article Quick Search"

If you cannot access the above video, you can watch it here