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Art Research Guide

Click to Read: Prehistoric to Medieval

Greek Art
Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the Early Middle Ages
Making Pictures in Stone
Painted Pots - Painting People
Prehistoric Rock Art in Scandinavia
The Rock Art of Norway
Confronting the Borders of Medieval Art
Picturing the Bronze Age
On the Fascination of Objects
Greek Sculpture
Art and Archaeology of Afghanistan
A History of Roman Art
Art, History and the Historiography of Judaism in Roman Antiquity
Byzantine Art
The Beautiful Burial in Roman Egypt
The Aegean Civilization
A Companion to Greek Art
Symbol and Image in Celtic Religious Art
Painting and Experience in Fifteenth-Century Italy
Critical Approaches to Ancient near Eastern Art
Dictionary of Islamic Architecture
Chinese Art
Gothic Art
Art in Its Time

click to Read: Renaissance to Modern

Renaissance Art by Victoria Charles
Modernism, Narrative and Humanism
The Maya of Modernism by Jesse Lerner
Architecture of Italy
Sensory World of Italian Renaissance Art by François Quiviger
American Painting of the Nineteenth Century
Understanding Islamic Architecture
Exhibiting Blackness
Encyclopedia of African American Artists
Global interests : renaissance art between east and west by Lisa Jardine
African American Visual Aesthetics
A Realist Theory of Art History
The Art of Art History by Donald Preziozc
Edward Hopper, Light and Dark
Baroque Art
Art in Its Time