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SOCI.1010: Introduction to Sociology/Souza

Welcome to Introduction to Sociology with Professor Najarian Souza

This course is organized around several key questions that will be used to help engage students in the study of our social world from a variety of sociological perspectives. Questions which we will explore include: What is sociology? How do sociologists study the world? What does it mean to consider the media as a social institution? How do we come to know what we know? What is the role of race, class, gender, sexuality, age, and ability in our daily lived experiences and how do these things relate to the construction of knowledge? What is the relationship between various issues in our society and social policy?

Off-Campus Access

You will need to be logged in to the UML Library to access some of the material in this guide. If you are logged in to your UML email you are logged in to the library. You may get an additional authentication phone call from Duo. This is routine. 

If prompted, enter your UML email credentials. If you still have trouble, clear the cache on your device. Email not working? Troubleshoot from here.

Required Texts

Schaefer, R. T. (2019). Sociology: A Brief Introduction. 2022, 14th Edition. (Preferred. You can still use the 9th, but check that your are reading the correct assignment.)
Spradley, T. and J. Spradley (1987). Deaf Like Me.
Course Reader.

Access to Titles in the Internet Archive

To read books in the Internet Archive, you need to create an account. Once you log in, most items can be borrowed for 1 hour at a time, while some can be borrowed for 14 days. Click the "Borrow" button to start reading. When the time is up, you can renew the loan if no one else is trying to access that item.

Very Important!

When you have finished your Internet Archive reading session, be sure to click the "Return Now" button, even if you plan to read the book at another time. This will make it available for others in the class.


Article List

Course Reader for SOCI 1010: Introduction to Sociology Professor Cheryl Najarian Souza

“Bringing Disability into the Sociological Frame: A comparison of disability with race, sex, and sexual orientation statuses,” Disability and Society, Vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 5-19. 

Alternative access to Creating the Ex Role (Google Books)

The article " Creating the Ex-Role" can be read also in Google Books here.