All locations of the University Library will be closed on Thursday, February 6, 2025, due to inclement weather. If you have any questions, please contact Visit the storm information page for more information.
Images from these sites are available for use on the open web. You can use them in multimedia projects of all kinds; you do not need to restrict sites where they are embedded to your classroom.
Items in public domain, CC0, or copyright free from the LoC collections. Each image leads to a themed collection. Some may also be no attribution required, check the individual image.
Hosted on Flickr, the British Library's digitized items from the archival collections that are public domain or CC0. Includes many maps and landscapes.
This is very cool. Rijkmuseum of the Netherlands has posted high quality photos of hundreds of thousands of objects in their collections. You need to create an account, but well worth it. The images are very large, and their site includes tutorials on importing the images in to different types of graphic projects.
A community -based free photo site. all photos found in the Morguefile archive are free for you to download and re-use in your work, be it commercial or not. The photos have been contributed by a wide range of creatives from around the world, ranging from amateur photo hobbyists to professionals.
Using TinEye, you can search by image or perform a reverse image search by uploading an image or searching by URL. You can also drag and drop your images to start your search.