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Lowell History: 193 and 199 Pawtucket Street

VHB Photographic Survey

Embedded below is a selection of photographs of 193 and 199 Pawtucket taken by Chris Gervais under contract with UMass Lowell consultant, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.(VHB). VHB photographs taken by Chris Gervais have been uploaded to UMass Lowell Libraries Archives and Special Collections Internet Archive Site.

Embedded below are a selection of photographs of 193 and 199 Pawtucket taken by Chris Gervais under contract with UMass Lowell consultant, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.(VHB). A set of eighty-eight VHB photographs have been uploaded to UMass Lowell Libraries Archives and Special Collections Internet Archive Site.

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Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) Photographic Survey