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Writing Goals

Writing Goals

One way to improve your writing is to learn more about the types of writing you may encounter in your future. When you have found some specific examples of writing as it is used by people in your field, then you can analyze it to discover the elements that make it up. This list of elements can become goals for your own learning. What do you want to be able to do as a writer?  
The tools below can help you create your writing goals.


Exploring Careers

Writing in Academic and Professional Fields

Police Reports

These two reports were written by Lowell police officers. A defense attorney shared them with us. Police officers have to appear in court to testify about the events they describe in their reports. The attorney told us that one of these reports is good, and one is bad—so bad, in fact, that she was able to get her client acquitted after peppering the police officer with questions about errors and confusions in the report. Can you tell which is which?