2020 by Rose M. Spielman, Formerly of Quinnipiac University, William J. Jenkins, Mercer University
Marilyn D. Lovett, Spelman College.
Offers a comprehensive treatment of core concepts, grounded in both classic studies and current and emerging research. Includes coverage of the DSM-5 in examinations of psychological disorders. Psychology incorporates discussions that reflect the diversity within the discipline, as well as the diversity of cultures and communities across the globe.
2020 by Kate Votaw, University of Missouri–St. Louis.
Surveys the basic concepts, theories, and pivotal findings over the past 100 years, with special emphasis on contemporary concepts and findings focused on the relation of the brain to normal and pathological behaviors. Offers an understanding of contemporary quantitative research methods as they are used to predict and test human behavior.
2019 by Jorden A. Cummings, Lee Sanders; University of Saskatchewan.
Created from a combination of original content and materials compiled and adapted from open text publications. Includes a Key Terms list for each chapter, an expanded glossary, and H5P chapter self-tests.
2019 by Jeffrey Levy. Seton Hall University.
Covers the basic topical areas generally covered by Introduction to Psychology textbooks, including: Science of Psychology (Research), Biology, Sensation and Perception, Emotion and Motivation, Direct Learning, Indirect Learning, Cognition and Intelligence, Lifespan Development, Personality, Social Influences, Problems in Development (Psychopathology), Science of Psychology (Treatment). Includes review exercises.
2018 by Mark Kunkel, Amelia Bagwell, Rod McCrae, University of West Georgia.
A remix of newly-created chapters by UWG faculty and existing materials from OpenStax Psychology.
2016 by Robert Biswas-Diener, Ed Diener, University of Utah.
Represents the entire catalog of Noba topics. Contains 90 learning modules covering every area of psychology commonly taught in introductory courses. Can be modified: rearrange or remove modules to better suit specific needs.Please note that the publisher requires login to access and download the textbooks.
2015 by Robert Biswas-Diener, Ed Diener, University of Utah, (Noba).
presents core concepts common to introductory courses. The 15 units cover the traditional areas of intro-to-psychology; ranging from biological aspects of psychology to psychological disorders to social psychology.
2020 by Robert Biswas-Diener, Portland State University
Ed Diener, Universities of Utah.
Provides standard introduction to psychology course content with a specific emphasis on biological aspects of psychology. This includes more content related to neuroscience methods, the brain and the nervous system.
2020 by Chris Allen, Portland State University.
Developed as an upper division undergraduate textbook for theories of personality. Focuses on the diversity and complexity of personality as a balance of traits and behaviors. Includes chapter quizzes and keyword lists.