From Fordham University, a collection of public domain and copy-permitted historical texts presented without advertising or excessive layout, for educational use.
By publishing an unprecedented collection of documents, initially through the CWIHP Bulletin and, since 2013, through the Wilson Center's Digital Archive, the Project seeks to accelerate the process of integrating new sources, materials and perspectives from the former "Communist bloc" and the non-Western world more generally with the historiography of the Cold War.
The Digital Archive contains once-secret documents from governments all across the globe, uncovering new sources and providing fresh insights into the history of international relations and diplomacy. The Digital Archive is overseen by the Wilson Center's History and Public Policy Program and focuses on the interrelated histories of the Cold War, Korea, and Nuclear Proliferation.
Some content for subscribers only. Brings together material from the collections of libraries, archives, museums and academics. These primary and secondary sources, which range from medieval to twentieth century, are easily searchable and browsable online.
This site contains maps, literature, documents, books and other relevant material concerning the past, present and future of historic cities and facilitates the location of similar content on the web.