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Lowell History: Visitor Observations 1827-1913

Observations of Lowell by Edward Everett, 1830


Lowell excerpts from 4th of July event delivered at Lowell, on Monday, the 5th of July, 1830 published in Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. Vol II, 4th ed., 1856, Page 47.

"It would seem that the industrial system of Europe required for its administration an amount of suffering, depravity, and brutalism, which formed one of the great scandals of the age. No form of serfdom or slavery could be worse. . . .But you will all bear me witness. . . .that for physical comfort, moral conduct, general intelligence, and all the qualities of social character which make up an enlightened New England community, Lowell might safely enter into a comparison with any town or city in the land..."

Above excerpt page 63.

In demonstrating to the world that such a state of things is consistent with the profitable pursuit of manufacturing industry, you have made a discovery more important to humanity than all the wonderful machinery for weaving and spinning—than all the miracles of water or steam."

Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. 4th ed., 1856, Page 47.

. . . .[the city's tremendous growth] seems more the work of enchantment than the regular process of human agency.

. . . . “It certainly deserves the title given it by the Hon. Edward Everett, of ‘The noble City of the Arts’ -- quoted by Thomas Spence in The Settler's Guide: In The United States And British North American Provinces.

. . . . Everett assured his young son that the mechanical arts were among the "noble arts."

" Twenty  years  ago,  and  two  or  three  poor  farms occupied  the  entire  space  within  the  boundaries  of  Lowell. Not  more  visibly,  I  had  almost  said  not  more  rapidly,  was  the palace  of  Aladdin,  in  the  Arabian  tales,  constructed  by  the genius  of  the  lamp,  than  this  noble  city  of  the  arts  has  been built  by  the  genius  of  capital.  This  capital,  it  is  true,  seeks a  moderate  interest  on  the  investment;  but  it  is  by  furnishing, to  all  who  desire  it,  the  cheapest  garment  ever  worn  by civilized  man."

Everett, Edward. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions. 4th ed., 1856, page 39