The Factory Girls
April 30, 1847
The following brief communication will show how cordially and effectively the factory girls of Lowell have responded to the appeals made to their feelings of sympathy and benevolence, by the distresses of the sufforing poor in a foreign land. We wish that we were at liberty to make public the names of those who have been the chief instruments in this labor of love, but true charity seeks not the applause of the world, and the injunction of silence is put upon our lips.
Merrimack Corporation, Lowell April, 14.
A few evenings since we received a call from two blessed 'sisters of charity,' who were responding in the appeal of the Christian Citizen, by visiting every Factory boarding-house in Lowell, and presenting the claims of the suffering Irish. The enclosed list proves that their efforts were not in vain, though the result would have been far more surprising and delightful, had the response been as fervent as the appeal
through the lips of these most excellent females. One small boarding-house, upon this corporation, was the focus and fountain of all the interest; and when I went in to add my mite of labor to theirs, and saw the five large boxes so nicely packed, I was astonished to see how much a few weak hands could accomplish.
Lowell "Mill Girls" sent a total of 1,032
Dresses, Shawls, Cloaks, other clothes,
and Quilts.