A breadth of research on current topics ranging from biomaterials, microplastics, sustainable polymers, and more are included in key databases like Biological Sciences, Medline and Toxline. Coverage from 1946 - current.
Access to all of Nature publications covering reviews, research and news, Current content examples: chemical complexity of plastics, hydroplastic polymers, nanofibres, and sustainability/recycling of thermoplastics. Coverage from 1869 - current
Science is a leading outlet for scientific news, commentary, and cutting-edge research. Its articles consistently rank among the most cited research in the world. Science covers a wide range of material, so use keywords like plastics, bioplastics, or sustainability when searching for relevant material on plastics engineering.
Review/research articles, book chapters, and encyclopedias plus 1,600 peer-reviewed journals are covered in a wide variety of subject areas. Included are chapters from "Introduction to Plastics Engineering" (2018) and "Applied Plastics Engineering Handbook" (3rd ed, 2024).