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Library Workshop Series

Collecting Keywords and Exploring Overviews

One of our goals today is to leave with a robust list of potential keywords and an initial mental map of our subject.

Find a piece of paper or online notes document and please track keywords throughout the session. 

  1. First, write down your research question.
  2. Next, break that into concepts.
  3. Third, think of any related terms (synonyms, broader terms, narrower terms) for those concepts.

Since we are just starting out, we will now look up our concepts in an academic tertiary resource

  1. Look up some of your general concepts in Credo Reference or another disciplinary encyclopedia.
  2. Skim an overview article, and add to your list of keywords. As you do your research, you will come back to this list, cross off some terms, and add new ones.
  3. Now that you've used this source a bit, what do we mean by "academic tertiary resource"? What encyclopedia do many of us use every day, and more importantly, why?

We will come back to this keyword document, so please keep track of it!


Supporting Documents

Class Sticky Notes Board


If we need it, this is the online post-it board we will use throughout this session.


Shared Post-it Board


Let's test it out! Leave a note describing where do you start research, and why you start there.