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Luis Falcón, Dean of the College of Fine Art, Humanities and Social Services:
"The college experience goes by very quickly. He encourages students to connect with faculty early and often to talk about possibilities for their own careers. Though it might seem obvious, he encourages students to keep in touch with faculty members they have made connections with, as those connections can be extremely helpful moving forward in college and career."
Jessica Garcia, Assistant Teaching Professor, Undergraduate Organic Lab Coordinator:
"Don’t be afraid to go to office hours and ask questions. We professors are paid to teach you and that includes answering your questions. Show up, ask questions, get to know us and let us get to know you. It’s an easy way to start a relationship that can possibly evolve into mentorship."
Tracy Michaels, Assistant Teaching Professor, English
"First-gen students are fearless in the classroom, they are eager to share what they know, unafraid to question what they don’t, and they are extraordinary self-advocates for whatever extra help they may need. My RHSA students are eager to lift one another up, interact with each other, and share tips and tricks for surviving a semester. The seriousness with which they approach learning is beyond impressive."
Yaharya Michel, Assistant Teaching Professor, School of Criminology and Justice Studies
"You are surrounded by caring individuals who genuinely have your best interest at heart. The faculty, staff, and university leadership that make up RHSA have a lot of institutional knowledge and can help you navigate the path you are trail blazing for your family and friends. Think of us as your academic family and therefore a valuable resource readily available to you. Your family and friends may not understand the ins and outs of academic life: midterms and finals, advising and tutoring, majors and minors, core curriculum and free electives, and science with and without a lab, to name a few. But we do and we’re here to help."