The video (3.28 Min) demonstrates how to open SPSS from your computer.
Importing data file from Excel to SPSS (8 Min video)
Variable View (to code all the variables in your survey into SPSS) (9.13 Min. Video)
Entering your data in SPSS (Data View)
Recoding variables into same and different variables (as per your research requirement).(6 Min Video)
Use of Compute (say to add items to form a scale) (2.52 Min Video)
The instructions and examples will help guide you locating data that needs to be replaced or update (2.29 minute video)
The tutorial demonstrates analyzing multiple response sets in SPSS (7.30 minute video)
A five minute video on how to evaluate a distribution for normality using both visual and statistical methods using SPSS
The instructions and examples will help guide you through reporting your research and analysis findings (2.28 minute video)