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EDUC.7101: Advanced Topics in Qualitative Analysis
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Welcome to Advanced Topics in Qualitative Analysis with Professor Hilary Lustick
Through a critical, antiracist, decolonizing lens, the course will serve as a survey of qualitative methodologies including:
❖ case study
❖ ethnography
❖ narrative
❖ participant action research
❖ critical discourse analysis
as well as current topics in educational research (including gentrification, disproportionality, and educational policy).
Required Texts
Gibbs, G.R. (2008). Analyzing Qualitative Data (qualitative research kit). Sage Publications. [available at bookstore, UML library, or other print sources]
APA Manual, 7th edition [available at the bookstore and various print sources]
Johnny Saldana, The Coding Manual for Qualitative Researchers
Kristi Jackson & Pat Bazeley’s Qualitative Data Analysis with NVivo Sage, 2019 (3rd ed.)
Maggi Savin-Baden and Claire Howell Major, Qualitative Research: The Essential Guide to Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2013). The paperback version is available from the UMass Lowell bookstore. Selected chapters posted in Course Reading: Articles. You'll need the password.