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DPTH.6220. 801, 802, 803: Neurological Physical Therapy II Lab

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About the Course

Welcome to Neurological Physical Therapy Lab II

This laboratory course must be taken concurrently with Neurological Physical Therapy II, DPTH.6200. Emphasis is on the development of problem solving and psychomotor skills necessary for successful management of the patient/client with neurological dysfunction. 

Course Activities

Videos and patient demonstrations are used to develop skills in examination, evaluation, and clinical decision making. Peer practice is used to promote the development of psychomotor skills in advanced therapeutic exercise and functional training. Problem solving using case studies in the application of interventions for different levels of impairments, activity restrictions and participation limitations is stressed.


Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to:
1. Evaluate videotaped patient performance and written clinical case data to determine physical therapy diagnoses and design an appropriate plan of care
2. Demonstrate regard for personal and patient safety at all times
      2 a. Prepare the patient and treatment area properly.
         b. Provide appropriate instruction and assistance.
         c. Practice in a manner that minimizes risk to self and others.
         d. Evaluate response to interventions and modify accordingly.
         e. Demonstrate effective and safe use of equipment and adaptive devices.
3. Select, justify and administer interventions designed to improve static and dynamic postural control
4. Select, justify and administer chosen upper and lower extremity PNF techniques
5. Administer and interpret appropriate evidence-based test and measures used to evaluate vestibular system function including:

                    a. Dix-Hallpike Test
                    b. Roll test

                    c. Gaze stability using the ETDRS chart d. Head Impulse Test (HIT)
                    e. Head shake induced nystagmus test
                    f. Spontaneous and gaze evoked nystagmus

                    g. Smooth pursuits and saccades

6. Select, justify and administer interventions designed to remediate vestibular vestibular dysfunction
       a. Effectively perform appropriate repositioning maneuvers to correct anterior, posterior and horizontal canal BPPV canalithiasis.
       b. Administer interventions for habituation, compensation and adaptation
              i. Instruct a patient in Brandt-Daroff exercises
             ii. Instruct a patient in times one viewing, smooth pursuits and gaze shifting exercises

7. Select, justify and administer interventions designed to promote functional mobility in patients with spinal cord injury
8. Demonstrate effective teaching strategies for patients/families/caregivers.
9. Evaluate and critique the performance of peers, simulating the supervisor-student relationship in the clinical setting.
10. Communicate effectively in ways that are congruent with situational needs including appropriate body language, written communication, active listening skills, and questioning.
11. Exhibit appropriate professional behaviors consistent with the classifications of “intermediate” to “entry level” Professional Behaviors as outlined in the Graduate Student Manual and in accordance with the APTA Professionalism in Physical Therapy Core Values.