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Honors Ready: Welcome

HONORS READY: What does it mean?

HONORS READY Courses: What does it mean?

"Honors Ready" courses provide students with a greater variety of courses with honors experiences to choose from. An Honors Ready course allows for both honors and non-honors students to register for the same section, with the honors students given the option to complete an honors component for honors credit. 

In the table below, you'll find a list of all Spring 2023 courses designated as "Honors Ready." Read on for more information about what Honors Ready means!

How do "Honors Ready" courses work? 
An “Honors Ready” course starts as a standard section for a particular course when students first register. However, the course is designated as “honors ready” because the instructor will prepare an honors component for the course before the semester starts, allowing the course to be taught as a mixed section of non-honors and honors students.

Once the semester begins, we will work with the course instructor and the enrolled honors students to determine who intends to pursue and complete the honors version of the course. 

In terms of the Honors Curriculum Requirements, Honors Ready courses behave like a dedicated Honors course (they are not Honors-by-Contracts), and can be considered as such when considering your requirements. 


How do I sign up for/get honors credit for an Honors Ready Course?
To start, all you need to do is just enroll in the section of the Honors Ready course as is. Honors Ready courses for Spring 2023 are listed below. Once the semester begins, all honors students registered for an Honors Ready course will be contacted by the Honors Office about the honors eligibility of the respective courses. We will coordinate with the course instructor and students to identify if a student would like to complete the course on the honors track. From there, students will just continue to work with their instructor on the course and the respective honors component. 


Is this an Honors-by-Contract (HbC)? 
No - Honors ready is not an honors by contract (HbC), though Honors Ready and HbCs have similarities. The biggest parallel is the fact Honors Ready and HbC is that an honors component is being created and attached to an otherwise regular section of a course. However, there are a few major differences. One is that instructors are ready to go honors component of the course right from the start (pre-designed with the potential for honors students in mind). Another difference is that students can only use a 3xxx/4xxx level course to have an HbC satisfy a requirement, whereas “Honors Ready” courses may appear in 2000 level courses as well. Also, students are not confined to two Honors Ready courses as they are for HbCs (only allowed as the H5 and/or H6). Finally, students don’t need to complete the honors-by-contract paperwork and signatures to receive honors credit! 

Check in with your Honors Success Coach or email for help!


Spring 2023 Honors Ready Offerings

Course No. & Section Course Title Instructor Day/Time Location
AEST.3623 - 201 Politics and a Photograph Pavel Romaniko W | 3:30PM - 6:20PM South
ARCH.3170-201 Zen and the Arts of Japan Yunchiahn Sena T/R | 2:00PM - 3:15PM  
ARTS.3741 - 801 Storyboarding and Comics Pouya Afshar M/W | 3:30PM - 5:50PM  
ARTS.3100 - 802 Graphic Design II Padmini Chandrasekaran M/W | 8:00AM - 10:20AM  
ARTS.3300 - 803 Typography II Ingrid Hess T/R | 12:30PM - 2:50PM  
ARTS.4310 - 801 Publication Design Ingrid Hess T/R | 8:00AM - 10:20PM  
ECON.2010 - 210 Principles of Microeconomics Nien-Huei Jiang M/W/F | 10:00AM - 10:50AM  
ECON.2020 - 210 Principles of Macroeconomics Anne Rhoads T/R | 2:00PM - 3:15PM  
ENGL.3740 - 201 Contemporary Poetry Sandra Lim W | 3:30PM - 6:20PM  
ENGL.4320 - 201 Introduction of Digital Humanities Natalie Houston M/W | 2:00PM - 3:15PM  
HIST.3932 - 201 Environmental History of Middle East & North Africa Elizabeth Williams T/R | 3:30PM - 4:45PM  
POLI.2001 - 201 Comparative Environmental Politics Vanessa Gray M/W | 5:00PM - 6:15PM  
POLI.3070 - 201 American Political Thought Emma Rodman T/R | 3:30PM - 4:45PM  
POLI.3290 - 201 Politics of College Sports Jeffrey Gerson T/R | 2:00PM - 3:15PM  
POLI.4110 - 201 The Concept of Power Emma Rodman T/R | 11:00AM - 12:15PM  
THEA.2020 - 201 Living Theatre: The Audience Experience Shelley Barish W | 3:30PM - 6:20PM